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September 4, 2009

Sanni Ceto

An alien hybrid with a message for humankind

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Sanni Ceto is the author of two books...STRANDED ON EARTH, The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor and Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World... both autobiographies of her experiences and past-life memories. A hybrid is technically a cross between two different species of plants, animals or beings. ET hybrids comprise a blending of characteristics from both species. In the case of an Esassani, which is a cross between a human and a Gray, such traits include the narrow face and albino hair from the Gray species, combined with earthling traits, such as being prone to earthling illnesses, and other things. Hybrids are not as robust as their full-blood parents. This mixture of their genes and DNA is flawed, due to interspecies incompatibility. Hybrids are created to prolong the Grays' existence as a way to carry on their dominant DNA into the future, by combining both species, which ultimately will enable the Earth people's DNA to survive as well, even after their planet and culture have been destroyed.

B i o

Sanni Ceto (a/k/a Marcellina Beckwith) is a hybrid E.T. who incarnated in 1958 and recalls her past life as the commander of the spacecraft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. Her remarkable story is told in her autobiography, Stranded On Earth, The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor. She is an artist, doll maker, teacher and relayer of communications from her Zeta Reticulan Council, and is often in contact with her father and guide known as Khinyeo. She is a nature lover, ufologist, amateur entomologist and meteorologist, whose mission is to spread love and light to planet Earth, and to correct the ideology behind her people`s purpose for visiting Earth. Where most humans distrust the Grays, Sanni says it is the Reptoids that are disguising themselves as her people and abducting people. The Zetis are a race of peace lovers, scientists and space travelers who only wish to assist Earth in its ascension.

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