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December 4, 2009

Brian O'Leary, Ph.D.

The Energy Solution Revolution

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

Dr. Brian O'Leary discussed a variety of topics, ranging from his time as a NASA astronaut, his near death experience, alternative energy sources, black projects, the Brooking Institution Report, Project from Iron Mountain, suppression of new energy sources, his interactions with Carl Sagan, and why he moved to the southern hemisphere, specifically, Vilcabamba, Ecuador

B i o

Dr. Brian O'Leary is a scientist-philosopher with fifty years of experience in academic research, teaching and government service in frontier science and energy policy. He was a NASA scientist-astronaut during the Apollo program, the first to be selected for a planned Mars mission, and participated in unmanned planetary missions as an Ivy League professor. Over the past four decades, Dr. O'Leary has been an international author, speaker, peace activist, founder of non-profits, and advisor to progressive U.S. Congress members and presidential candidates. DR O'LEARY'S latest book, "The Energy Solution Revolution", describes the enormous potential of breakthrough clean energy technologies, their suppression and their logical necessity for our survival. Zero-point energy, cold fusion, and advanced hydrogen and water chemistry could provide us all an abundant future for all of humanity. In 2004, he and his wife, the artist Meredith Miller, moved to the Andes in Ecuador, where they co-created Montesue?os - an eco-retreat and educational center dedicated to creativity and the rights of nature.

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The Energy Solution Revolution

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