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July 16, 2010

Daniel Estulin

The Bilderberg Group and The Shadow Masters

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, discussed how he was invited to speak at the European Parliament by Mario Borghezio, the most senior Member of European Parliament from Italy. The European Parliament is one of the most powerful legislatures in the world. Estulin's talk is equivalent to addressing a joint session of Congress. In fact, never before has Bilderberg as a subject seen the light of day in front of such a highly respectable audience - elected senators of European nations. Estulin was part of a presentation titled Bilderberg Group - Towards Creation of One World Company Ltd., given by the author, as well as Borghezio, Nigel Farage (Member of European Parliament for South East England) and Gerard Batten (Member of European Parliament for London). Estulin is the world's top authority on the Bilderberg Group. Because of the worldwide appeal of the author's book (over 3.5 million sold in nearly 50 languages), this once incredibly powerful and highly secretive organization is now a private forum of lesser stature. Who knows what the group will now transmogrify itself into? "This is an opportunity to bring Bilderberg into the mainstream," said Estulin. "A subject that was once considered to be in the domain of conspiracy theories is now being taken very seriously indeed." The Bilderberg Group is an annual, invitation-only conference with over 100 of the globe's most influential movers and shakers, including heads of state, business tycoons and others. It is closed to the public and the press. This year the conference will be held from the 3rd to the 6th of June in Sitges, Spain.

He also talked about his new book "Shadow Masters" , which examines how behind-the-scenes collaboration between government, intelligence services, and drug traffickers has lined the pockets of big business and Western banks. Among the examples cited are the cozy relationship between Victor Bout, the largest weaponry dealer in the world, and George Bush's administration; the NGOs who are plundering Darfur with the help of big multinationals seeking to take over the oilfields around the country; the ties that the Muslim Brotherhood maintains with the White House despite their involvement with the March 11th attacks in Madrid; and the embezzlement of more than $2.8 million from the International Monetary Fund by Roman Abramovich, the biggest oligarch in Russia.

B i o

Daniel Estulin is a researcher and expert in knowledge arcana. He was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, former Soviet Union, August 29, 1966. He speaks Russian, English, and Spanish. He has visited more than 100 countries in his lifetime. His main interest is to investigate and discover something that takes in hiding since 1000 years ago. Unearthing secrets. Investigate the secret activities of the Bilderberg Club for fifteen years. My first book on the Club, The True Story of the Bilderberg Club, published by Planeta in 2005 has become an international bestseller, present in 42 countries and translated into 24 languages and has been awarded the prize in Canada The Kingston Eye Opener for best nonfiction book abroad.

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