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September 2, 2011

Neil Kramer

Unreal Meltdowns, Machine vs. Human Culture, and 9/11

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

In this interview, Neil Kramer explains what constitutes a "low frequency" life, and how living this way limits perception and keeps us functioning far beneath our potential. He talks about how "the controllers" use symbolism and timing to make sure trauma leaves fertile ground for further manipulation of the psyche and behavior.

Kramer says that for the control system to work, it must perpetuate distinctive positive and negative forces, capitalism vs. socialism, the reds vs. the blues, as there must be somewhere to channel aggression and despondency.

He says science is controlled, academe is compromised, news is commentary, and that we know close to nothing of reality.

He also discusses the recent massacre in Norway, 9/11, the work of Dr. Judy Wood, free energy systems, healing, steps in raising consciousness, and a whole lot more.

From this interview, in Kramer's own words…

"The biggest disease in the normal construct is this low vibration. Pop stars and kings and queens and junk food and war and Facebook - it's all limiting, drab, rubbish. If you come to a place of stillness, the unmoving mind, a place of balance, that neutral space - you see the world as mysterious and extravagant.

"'The construct' tells us we know most of what there is to be known, but as you walk your own sovereign path as master and warrior, you realize that science and politics and education know next to nothing about how this world works and fits together.

"Human potential is stunningly massive in terms of what is achievable.

"A lot of my studies gravitate to shamanic, ancient-world practices. One of the techniques used is the imbibing of certain medicines. One of those plants is salvia divinorum.

"The mainstream is broken, but thank goodness the world is much more bright and wholistic and positive than we assume. We arise out of the world. It is there to support us physically, mentally and emotionally.

"Empowerment…is about changes in our lives, relationships, bodies, culture, material resources, and systems that don't serve us well anymore. It's about new relationships, and taking risks to express our uniqueness. Don't be afraid. Understand that our unfoldment is a creative force supported by the universe, that your life is an instrument for transformation."

B i o

Neil Kramer is a British teacher, writer, and speaker, specializing in the fields of theology, esotericism, and philosophy. Neil`s work focuses on cultivating a deeper understanding of self, soul, spirit, transformation, and divinity. His studies integrate many classical and mystical spiritual disciplines. His background in Christianity and Hermeticism has helped to foster a balance of both traditional and non-traditional approaches to comprehending spiritual reality.

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