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September 14, 2012

Brook Agnew, Ph.D.

Reviving America: Solutions for a Dying Nation

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

80 years ago, America the beautiful was led down a dark alley by an Agency-Government that has consumed everything, and produces nothing. Finally, she has decided this abuse must come to an end. We already fought our bloodiest war over this once. We know what to do this time. 40 States have already passed some form of Sovereignty Act, more than enough to ratify any repeal or pass new amendments. It is time we gave the President's Ministers their pink slips and set the People free. We are one nation under surveillance, and we are ready to recover our liberty right now. You'll learn what is being done about it and where you can help. There is some major house cleaning to do. Grab a broom. This might take some work. It cannot happen without you. We can step back from the precipice, or we can run over the edge. You have already made part of the choice by listening to tonight's program.

B i o

Brooks A. Agnew grew up in Pasadena, California around JPL and Cal Tech. He entered the Air Force in 1973, where he graduated top in his class in electronics engineering. He was one of the most successful scientists with ground probing radar technology in the nation for oil and gas exploration. Similar technology is currently utilized in the Mars Express program. He received his bachelors in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University with honors. He is the author of thousands of technical papers, seminars, documentaries, or books on precision measurement and exploration into the mysteries of the universe and of the Earth. He is the host of X-Squared Radio, one of North America`s most widely listened to internet paranormal radio programs. He is the co-author of The Ark of Millions of Years Trilogy that has been critically acclaimed as the most comprehensive publication ever written on the 2012 End Times. He is also the Expedition leader of the greatest civilian expedition in history to the Arctic Circle to examine the theory that planets form as hollow spheres. The team`s hypothesis was Japan`s Genes of Galileo Winner in 2007. He is currently the president of Sirius Energies Corporation, building electric vehicles.

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Alienated Nation: The New Quest for Liberty

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