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October 9, 2014

Carmen Boulter, Ph.D.

Unlocking the Pyramid Code

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

The case is made that a very long time ago, human beings were much more peaceful, spiritual, healthy, and technologically advanced - in a sustainable way- than we are today. What if the function of the pyramids was never to be "tombs" for ancient pharaohs? What if they were built for a very different purpose, not by slaves, but by citizens who valued their function so much that they willingly participated in their construction? This discussion will provide you with a perspective of how today's world (war, poverty, fear) fits into a much larger picture, and explains why the end of the Mayan calendar (December 21st, 2012) points us all toward a different, and much better, future.

While there are obviously still areas of Egyptian history that need more investigation, there are so many aspects of the history that get properly updated on this video from a wide variety of sources in almost total general agreement (some specifics they discuss and don't totally agree on), it leaves me very excited to dig further.

The Sphinx and pyramids, along with many other ancient locations and constructions around the globe (such as Newgrange, Stonehenge), were related to the astronomical events and quite advanced application of some sciences in the ancient past. The fog is lifting rapidly! Bringing a thorough knowledge of the past together from a wide variety of disciplines such as archeology, geology, cultural anthropology, symbols of writing (ancient method different than modern), global climate changes over time, oceanography, shifting location over time of the Nile River (and how that relates to activity on the pyramids and Sphinx), times of the Golden Ages and what they were like and evidence for them, how the pyramids relate to activity seen in the stars relative to annual and longer term cycles.

The long term stability and thriving of those cultures I personally found to be the most important aspect of this video. We need to answer a critical question: How can mankind live beyond the barbaric stage, to develop societies that can survive for long periods of time instead of quickly destroying themselves or their environments? Has it ever been done and how did they do it? The Egyptians did it more than once. The time spans are amazing and how their societies appreciated life, what their psychology was like, what their worldview and sense of life were like, is indicated with many bits of evidence, and once again, from many disciplines working both separately and together to understand it.

B i o

Dr. Carmen Boulter [1954- 2022] is a retired professor at the University of Calgary in Canada. She taught in the Graduate Division of Educational Research in the Faculty of Education. Dr. Boulter is the creator of The Pyramid Code series and author of Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness. She has done extensive research in the archives of the Egyptian Museum, gaining official access to the original field notes of excavations done around the pyramids in the early 1900s. An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness, traces fragments of information about matriarchal cultures in pre-dynastic Egypt, prehistoric Greece, and around the world.

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