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July 23, 2015

John Anthony West

Sacred Geometry in Ancient Egypt

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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Rogue Egyptologist John Anthony West shared theories, evidence, and interpretation regarding the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza. It's "deep heresy" to today's scientific establishment that an ancient civilization had skills that surpass our own-- yet that is what they must have had to make these awe-inspiring structures, he argued.

Visiting the Sphinx in-person gave West a sense of "unspeakable antiquity" and pride that human beings had made such a monument. It's meant to signal an "ingress to the Age of Leo," and the last one occurred 10,500 BC, though he believes the Sphinx might have been constructed in the earlier age of Leo which took place at 36,500 BC. Edgar Cayce predicted that a Hall of Records would be found at the base of the Sphinx, and West shared that a cavern under bedrock has been detected by seismograph under the left paw. It appears to be a rectangular shape approximately 36 X 45 feet.

He explored various theories as to how these structures were built:

They used a technology we don't recognize, which could be hidden in a religious symbol.

They employed a "soft" technology such as music or sound.

The work was performed by people in a heightened state of consciousness.

Beyond issues of how and when these grand structures were made, West stressed their religious importance in reconnecting humankind with divine consciousness.

John Anthony West has been kind enough to provide the following presentation which includes visuals of many of the topics discussed.

Click Here

B i o

John Anthony West [1932 - 2018] is a writer, scholar and Pythagorean, born in New York City. He is the author of The Traveler`s Key to Ancient Egypt, and consulting editor for the Traveler`s Key series. His previous book, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt is an exhaustive study of the revolutionary Egyptological work of the French mathematician and Orientalist, the late R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz.

In The Case for Astrology, John Anthony West presents compelling new evidence that proves the astrological premise: that correlations exist between events in the sky and on earth, and that correspondences exist between the human personality and the positions of the planets at birth.

Mr. West has published a novel and many short stories; his plays have been produced on stage, television and radio, and he writes articles, essays and criticism for The New York Times Book Review, Conde Nast`s Traveler and other general interest and specialized newspapers and magazines in America and abroad. He won an EMMY Award for his 1993 NBC Special Documentary The Mystery of the Sphinx, hosted by Charlton Heston.

The ancient Egyptians themselves attributed their wisdom to an earlier age going back 36,000 years. West set out to test the hypothesis that the Sphinx was much older than its conventional date of 2500 BC. His findings provide the first hard evidence that an earlier age of civilization preceded the known development of civilization in the Nile valley.

John Anthony West is today the leading authority and proponent of the `Symbolist` school of Egyptology, an alternative interpretation of ancient Egyptian culture advanced by the French scholar and philosopher, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz (1891-1962). In the Symbolist view, Egyptian architecture and art disclose a richer and more universal wisdom than conventional Egyptology has assumed.

Mr. West lectures extensively on Egypt and personally leads several in-depth study tours to Egypt every year.

Links to Guest

Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt

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