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August 13, 2015

John Herlosky

A Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Skeptic's Journey into the CIA's Project Stargate

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Police officer/instructor and human performance technologies expert, John Herlosky, discussed his journey from complete skeptic in the power of consciousness related phenomena to an operational remote viewer, and the turmoil he felt as his long-held beliefs clashed with the powerful implications of his new experiences. "I never looked upon anything regarding psychics, or psychic ability or ESP, as anything other than a flight of fantasy," he explained, adding how even as a skeptic he remained open-minded. Herlosky said he became interested in the Project Stargate remote viewing program after reading Psychic Warrior by David Morehouse. He defined remote viewing as a scientifically validated form of ESP which allows a viewer to extend his consciousness in space and time to observe persons, places, and events outside of normal modes of perception and undiminished by shielding or distance. Herlosky traced a brief history of how the CIA became involved in psychic spying. "They found after experimentation that there was something to this, that it could actually be used as an intelligence asset," he explained. According to Herlosky, although no one knows why or how it works, remote viewing is a real human ability innate to everyone. Herlosky spoke about his training, first hits, and how he has recently been using remote viewing to work on MIA/POW issues with author and former intelligence officer Amy Waters Yarsinske. The United States government claims it no longer has a psychic spying program but a number of original members of Project Stargate still use remote viewing under operational conditions, he revealed, pointing to early remote viewer Joe McMoneagle as an example. Herlosky also spoke about how remote viewers have the ability to influence the output of electronic devices to present false information to the enemy.

B i o

John Herlosky has worked for two large metropolitan police departments as a police officer and academy instructor, has been trained in SWAT tactics, and is a designated marksman. He is considered an expert in the field of human performance technologies and has spent half his life in the martial arts. He was the codirector and cofounder of the nonprofit think tank, the Institute for Evolutionary Technologies, as well as the codirector of Project Trojan Warrior II, a mind-body integration training program.

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A Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Skeptic's Journey into the CIA's Project Stargate

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