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S y n o
p s i s
According to tonight's special guest: "The Globe-Earth lie or what I have titled
"The Flat-Earth Conspiracy" is in my humble opinion, the greatest deception in human history and most important taboo issue which desperately needs to be exposed. If people knew the extent to which they have been lied to and brain-washed from birth, there would be a veritable revolution in critical thinking, personal sovereignty, and belief in God by morning. The New World Order
"globalists," Satan's prophesized One World Government Masonic minions are everywhere spreading their
"scientific" disinformation, "deceiving the very elect," and herding the sheeple to their slaughter."
B i o
Eric Dubay says the greatest lie and most successful cover-up in history, NASA and Freemasonry's biggest secret,
is that we live on a plane, not a planet; that Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe.
Eric is an American living in Thailand where he teaches Yoga and Wing Chun part-time while exposing the New World Order full-time. He is the author of five books and is the president of the International Flat Earth Research Society.