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October 22, 2015

Phil Kava

On the Shoulders of Giants: A Quantum Leap Journey to Enlightenment

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Have you ever wondered who you are and why you are here? Have you ever pondered the existence of alien beings from distant worlds or other dimension? Are we being visited by these beings? Have you ever wondered what it would take to make something invisible? Have you ever thought it may be possible to heal yourself, others, or the planet, with nothing more than a touch, a prayer, or a thought? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone, so please continue. Tonight, our special guest presents stories of his journey toward enlightenment.

B i o

Phil Kava is an independent researcher, subtle energy worker, E.T. Experiencer, presenter and author. He has had a lifetime of paranormal experiences; including nearly 20 years as an ET experiencer. Phil has been researching subtle energy and energy healing for nearly 30 years. Which includes 10 years assisting, the late, biophysiscist, W.C. Levengood, with his work on bio-intrinsic, Charged Density Plasma Energies. In 2013, Phil decided to become a contributor to the new, `Discovery Channel` series, "Uncovering Aliens"; shortly after waking up in the middle of the night, only to see, what appeared to be, a Grey alien hovering over his wife as they lied in bed. During the filming of the "Alien Invasion" episode, Phil suddenly developed an amazing subtle energy sending technique; with which, he claims he is able to physically move people using the power of his intent; even at great distances In 2014 Phil published his first and second book.

Links to Guest

On The Shoulders of Giants: Contemplating The Super Scientific On My Journey Towards Enlightenment

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