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This topic was heavily discussed during the first episode of the revamped X-Files. In his 1998 book, The Threat, Jacobs uncovered disconcerting reports about aliens' plans for the future of Earth. He reported that a "change" is coming; a future when very human-like hybrids would intermingle with humans in everyday life. "Soon we will all be together," the aliens said. "Soon everyone will be happy and everyone will know his place." Jacobs examines a disturbing phenomenon that he began noticing in 2003. The alien integration action plan has kicked into high gear. The incidents of alien abductions have accelerated as have occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life. A silent and insidious invasion has begun. Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and into your workplace. They have been trained by human abductees to "pass," to blend in to society, to appear as normal as your next door neighbor. Jacobs details the process of alien integration into society and the strategy and support structure that has been developed to make this happen seamlessly. While he is not certain why they are doing it, the final chapter of the book will provide some chilling possible answers as to why they are here and what they want to accomplish. Jacobs is a careful researcher who has investigated more than 1150 abduction events experienced by more than 150 abductees.
David Jacobs, Ph.D. is a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. He began researching the controversy over unidentified flying objects in America in the mid 1960s, and has amassed over 35 years of primary research data and analytical hypotheses on the subject. Dr. Jacobs has written and delivered many articles, papers, and addresses on the subject of UFO abduction, and has been a consultant to the major UFO organizations. In recent years he has concentrated on ascertaining the proper methodological techniques for the hypnosis and therapy of abductees.
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