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Antarctica is a land about to be exposed over its well-guarded secrets and ancient hidden mysteries ... In 1955, as a result of a secret agreement reached between the Eisenhower Administration and a German breakaway group in Antarctica, a transnational corporate space program began to emerge. The secret infusion of personnel and resources from US military contractors into Antarctica allowed this transnational corporate program to steadily grow into a major space power, which would eventually surpass and eclipse the secret space programs run by the US Navy, Air Force, and the classified space programs of other nations. Whistleblower claims substantiate that many of the classified programs conducted there violate the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, and constitute crimes against humanity due to the abuse of a captive slave labor force. Dr. Michael Salla daringly exposes the major corporations involved in these illegal programs, and how the truth is hidden from company shareholders and the public. Today, Antarctica's secrets are slowly being revealed by the increasing volcanic activity that is melting the massive ice shelves, exposing ancient artifacts and crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft. Full disclosure of Antarctica s history, and current events involving multiple space programs and transnational corporations, will vitally aid in transforming our planet, and prepare humanity for the major geological events that lie ahead as the melting ice unveils all that has previously been hidden.
Dr. Michael Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and U.S. foreign policy. He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service & the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington DC (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., (2002). He has a Ph.D in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia. During his academic career he was author/editor of four books focusing on international politics. He has conducted research and fieldwork in ethnic conflicts involving East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka. He has been awarded significant financial grants from the United States Institute of Peace and the Ford Foundation for peacemaking initiatives involving mid-to-high level participants from the East Timor conflict. Dr. Salla is more popularly known as a pioneer in the development of "exopolitics", the study of the main actors, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life. He wrote the first published book on "exopolitics" in 2004. He authored two additional exopolitics books in 2009 and early 2013. He is Founder of the Exopolitics Institute, and the Exopolitics Journal, and Co-Organizer of the Earth Transformation series of conferences in Hawaii (2006-2011). He is also the news anchor of ExoNews.TV a popular Youtube channel.
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