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This is a Veritas exclusive and it is Peter Fairest's very first
radio interview. Peter is incredibly informed on Geoengineering and U.V.
radiation, along frequency, 5G, weather engineering, and even vaccines.
Solutions included.
From Peter Fairest: Humanity has
lost its way. They can no longer see past the darkness that has been shrouding
our species for hundreds of years, with the deliberately orchestrated subterfuge
and lies by the media and our governments to deliberately divert our attention
away from the truth in the world. Hundreds of years of deliberate deception;
thousands of years of hidden history; thousands of years of unnecessary wars;
decades of genetically engineered viruses pathogens and pandemics stockpiled to
be used against their fellow men women and children.
A world of such immorality I can
barely understand the horror. The poisoning of the food water and the air that
we breathe, that directly affects the human physiology and the central nervous
system. The horrific militarised frequency weapons that are being utilised to
cause catastrophic damage to our brains and our DNA. The weather modification
programs implemented that are capable of wiping entire countries off the map.
The governments who keep us in chains through the rape of our wages, from taxes
every day that we work, to ensure we never have a level playing field where we
can have any influence on our government’s activities whatsoever. Slavery was
never abolished and we are deliberately kept in chains from the day we are born.
As soon as that birth certificate is signed, we are owned, we are a number.
Democracy is a falsity and a false narrative. There is no democracy, only an
oppressive totalitarian regime to ensure that, we the people, will never have
any influence in the world. To vote for a government who initiates all of the
above is paramount to insanity, and I will not vote for a government who has
nothing in their mind but my demise and the demise of my family and friends.
Society is surrounded by such darkness now that some people find it impossible
to reach out to the light of hope that has been lost to us for so many years
now. No war in history has ever been won by words alone, and history is only
ever written by the victors. In order to regain our right to live; our right to
have an opinion; our right to freedom of speech; our right to clean drinking
water and food; our right to breathe clean air that is not full of toxic
nanoparticulates; our right to carry arms to protect our family and our homes,
and our right to refuse the pharmaceutical companies’ vaccinations to poison our
children, can only be achieved through Revolution, not words or pictures or
posts, only through Direct action can we make an impact on our oppressors.
The backbone of the pharmaceutical industry is vaccines. They vaccinate your
children, subsequently your children become ill and are then lifelong customers
to the pharmaceutical industry. Holistic doctors worldwide are mysteriously
dying and their research destroyed. Our ecosystem and oceans are being
systematically eradicated without any intervention or oversight. These people
want nothing more than for us to argue amongst ourselves; to cause conflict
between our groups and to separate us so that we can no longer effectively have
an impact on waking up the sleeping giant. The human race is a conscious
Collective. We are all inextricably linked and they cannot take that away from
us. We are the people. We have a voice, and we have a right for that voice to be
heard. We have a god given right to fight for what we believe to be true and
moral in the world. We have a right to fight for our lives, and for the lives of
our families and our children, and for the lives of our friends.
We are the voice of the resistance
and we are the future of our species, stand up and be heard.
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Peter Fairest, he
was once a chemical / biological warfare specialist for Britain and later was a
professor in the same field. He has a plethora of knowledge on so many topics
concerning the assault we are witnessing and has visited underground bases in
the U.K and knows first hand some of the technologies we are only now being
exposed to publicly.