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Tonight, we are joined by someone fighting a historic spiritual war and all-out assault on our natural God Given Rights and Right to Life. We must never stop fighting for the Truth and our Right to choose LIFE by any means available without government force. Here's a summary about the battle front he has been on since 1990. What is the type of censorship that kills? Do you know or have family members or friends who suffered and died following failed standard chemo and radiation cancer treatment, and then the death was attributed to cancer? Everyone suspects or has learned there are many 'cures' available blocked by the FDA. Statistics are obfuscated to manipulate the government and the unsuspecting alike, however as far as he knows, one out of two are expected to have cancer in their lifetime; this is not a genetic issue. The following applies to both genders, all age groups, and all nationalities and crosses all borders. The following discussion is about a cure for cancer, AIDS and immune disorders, approved in Canada in 1989 and still covered-up and difficult to qualify for until one is terminal, even then there are hoops to jump through, though available. Why should this one astounding treatment known as 714X, be the foundation of all cancer and immune disorders? In use worldwide since the 1960's, 714X is harmless, and causes the body to reject cancer naturally without side effects, and it's inexpensive. How? By shutting off a hormone that blocks the immune system called human choirionic gonadotropin (hormone) HCg and it's secreted by all cancers, and disables or blocks, the immune system. Numerous cures exists some since the 1920's, however Rockefeller originated the American Medical Association, the education indoctrination system, and the origins of big pharma which ruthlessly protects its own treatments and agenda through control of government agency [FDA] and draft laws which Congress is lobbied, sponsored, bribed or pressured to promulgate into law. Proven low cost treatments with no side effects are met with intense resistance, blocked and covered up! Doctors, researchers or any who do not toe the line are censured, lose their license to practice, are incarcerated, impoverished and slandered! As was expected his efforts to assist lives from suffering and certain death garnered FDA retaliation. The FDA raided his office, violated the Constitution to indict him and your Rights to pursue life. FDA charged him with breaking an agency regulation, never promulgated into law. Therefore, not a law. Though clearly winning during the first phase of the trial, mysteriously, President Clinton and Chief Justice Wm. Rehnquist summoned the District Court Judge to Washington, who upon return sentenced him to federal prison, and banned his book. After 20 years, his has republished and updated the book. Nothing has been removed. This is your opportunity to obtain your copy.
At the age of 19, afloat as we all are in a global cacophony of lies, Charles Pixley set upon an intense search for REALITY, which began with the ruthless business of war and 2 tours in Vietnam. In July 1990, came awareness of several `cures` for cancer which had heretofore been kept intentionally buried since the 1920`s by mainstream medicine. The most astounding is 714X a harmless remedy which causes a body to reject cancer naturally without side effects. Mr. Pixley became the tip of the spear to awaken the public option to survive the failure of deadly chemotherapy and radiation as sole treatments and control access and limit payment for treatment to mainstream medicine. Conscious of his oath to defend the Constitution, now awakened to an epic betrayal, enraged set out to expose Big Pharma for their massive insidious crimes, went on the offense to educate anyone able to hear and understand. While Mr. Pixley does not practice medicine, nor is he licensed, he spent 40 years studying the Healing Arts, and received an unorthodox medical education, through old fashioned one on one training with several brilliant MD, Professors of Medicine. To comply with Federal regulations and fully inform the FDA, Pixley founded an Institutional Review Board (IRB), under the laws of Congress, with Chief Investigator Dietmar Schildwaechter, MD, PhD, and Robert Atkins, MD and a dozen other prominent physicians. It is required by USC Title 21, Part 56, the public is required to provide Informed Consent, to comply Mr. Pixley wrote a book, DO NO HARM Defy a Hopeless Prognosis with Harmless 714X. As was expected efforts to assist lives from suffering and certain death will garner FDA retaliation instead of support and assistance. The FDA raided Pixley`s office, violated the Constitution to indict him and block your Rights to pursue life. FDA charged Pixley with breaking an agency regulation, never promulgated therefore not a law. Though clearly winning during the first phase of the trial, mysteriously, POTUS Clinton and Chief Justice Wm. Rehnquist summoned the District Court Judge to Washington, who upon return sentenced Mr. Pixley to federal prison, and at the request of the FDA banned the book DO NO HARM. President Trump passed THE RIGHT TO TRY Act, on May 30, 2018. Mr. Pixley, after a 22-year silence, inspired by this Act feels time is now to present the life-saving knowledge of harmless 714X treatment of cancer, A.I.D.S. and immune disorders.
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