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June 4, 2020

Ralph Epperson

Divide & Conquer, Planned Chaos and the Engineered Civil War

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

The interview with Ralph Epperson is about his views on the current events surrounding the protests over police brutality. He believes that the events are being manipulated by anarcho-communists with a goal to destroy America. He explains that there are three distinct groups in the protests: those who are justified in their outrage, the destructive opportunists, and the anarcho-communists. Epperson is an historian, author, and lecturer who has been researching the conspiratorial view of history for over 50 years. He argues that the events he wrote about in his books, "The Unseen Hand" and "The New World Order," are becoming a reality today.

Epperson also touches on the use of rent-a-riot tactics by George Soros and other big money Democrat interests. He argues that the Democrats are using the pent up anger of their constituents to fuel the protests and then standing back and letting the same constituents pay the price. He holds the police and politicians responsible for the current situation and believes that the black community and white boys who join in the looting will pay the price. He suggests that if the Democrats had taken the responsibility to represent their constituents, the districts would be flourishing.

Finally, Epperson believes that the situation has gone too far and that there will be a price to pay. He accuses the Democrat politicians of cynicism and of squandering resources on war and cronyism instead of addressing the issues faced by their constituents.

B i o

Ralph Epperson is an historian, author, and lecturer who has been researching the CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY (the view that the major events of the past have been planned years in advance by a central conspiracy) for 40 years. He has written or produced four "best selling" books entitled THE UNSEEN HAND, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, MASONRY: CONSPIRACY AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, JESSE JAMES, UNITED STATES SENATOR, nine booklets, and twelve videos two DVDs. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona, but freely admits that what he has learned since graduation has taught him that most of what he learned in college in History and Political Science simply is not true. He proudly states that his research has proven to him that there has been an active conspiracy in the world planning major wars, depressions, and inflations years in advance. Many of those who have read his material and viewed his videos state that they are the best in the market on this subject. If you want to know how this conspiracy has operated in the world from one of the theory`s best teachers and writers, you will want to obtain some or all of his materials.

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