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March 10, 2022

Ole Dammegard

What They Really Had Planned for Us

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Ole Dammegard is back after three years. He gives us his insight as to what the elite really had planned for us. False flag events are acts of violence or terrorism that are carried out by governments or other powerful entities in order to further their own political or ideological goals. These events are designed to be blamed on a designated scapegoat, usually a marginalized group or a rival nation, in order to justify the implementation of harsher laws, increased surveillance, and other measures that restrict civil liberties and increase the power of the state.

The most famous example of a false flag event is the September 11th terrorist attacks, which were used to justify the War on Terror and the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. However, many researchers, including Dammegard, argue that these attacks were orchestrated by elements within the US government and other powerful organizations, rather than by Islamic extremists.

Dammegard also points to other recent events, such as the 2011 Norway terror attacks and the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, as examples of false flag events. In both cases, there is evidence to suggest that the attacks were carried out by government agents or other insiders, rather than by the individuals who were officially blamed for them.

The reason for this is that these events are used as a pretext to implement laws that restrict civil liberties and increase government control over the population. The War on Terror has been used to justify the expansion of government surveillance, the erosion of civil liberties, and the increasing militarization of police forces.

Furthermore, Dammegard argues that the elite have long-term plans for society that involve the implementation of a one-world government, a cashless society, and a microchipped population. These plans are being implemented through a process of gradualism, with each false flag event being used as a pretext for further restrictions on civil liberties and increased control over the population.

In conclusion, the possibility of more false flags is a very real and serious concern. Dammegard's insights reveal that the elite have long-term plans for society that involve the implementation of a one-world government, a cashless society, and a microchipped population. These plans are being implemented through a process of gradualism, with each false flag event being used as a pretext for further restrictions on civil liberties and increased control over the population. Therefore, it is crucial that we remain vigilant and question the official narratives of such events in order to uncover the truth and prevent the erosion of our freedoms.

B i o

Ole Dammegard is an investigative journalist, author, and researcher known for his work in studying and uncovering various conspiracy theories and historical mysteries. He has dedicated a significant portion of his career to examining high-profile assassination cases, including that of JFK. Dammegard is recognized for his thorough approach, delving deep into alternative narratives and challenging official accounts. His expertise brings a critical and investigative perspective to discussions on controversial historical events.

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