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December 8, 2022

Neil Kramer

Truth Divides

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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Truth is an unbiased divider and uniter of people. It can be used to separate those who believe in it from those who do not, while also uniting those who believe in it and seek it out. In doing so, it can bring people together in a common cause, while also providing a means of distinguishing between opinions and facts. By being a truth-seeker and standing up for truth, people can come together and find common ground. For centuries, philosophers have been looking at the nature of truth, how it is determined, and what its implications are. Additionally, more recently, scientific studies have been conducted to better understand the psychology of truth and how it influences our perceptions. Truth can unite people when they come together with a shared understanding of a particular set of facts. It can also divide people when they have different beliefs or interpretations of the same facts.

Is truth subjective? No, truth is not subjective. Truth is defined as a fact that is accepted as true, and should not be based on an individual's opinion or beliefs. Can truth divide? Truth divides because it can be interpreted differently by different people. It can also create conflict when two people have different beliefs or opinions about the same truth. People may disagree on what is true and what is not, and this can lead to arguments and debates. Ultimately, truth divides because it is subjective and open to interpretation. Truth can divide because it can be interpreted differently by different people. People may have different opinions or beliefs about what is true, and this can lead to disagreements and divisions. Additionally, truth can be uncomfortable or difficult to accept, and this can lead to people avoiding it or rejecting it, which can further divide people.

How can truth unite? Truth can unite people by providing a common understanding of reality and a shared set of values. When people have a shared understanding of the truth, they can come together to work towards a common goal. This can help to bridge divides between different groups and create a sense of unity. Why is speaking the truth so controversial now? It seems like most people would rather have lies told to them, than acknowledge the truth. Because many people assume that the truth is an inherently painful or bad thing when that is not the case. In reality, the truth heals us, and sets us free in much more effective and better ways than comfort, fantasies, stories and coping mechanisms ever could. In fact, you cannot create stability, healing, or the life you want to create without acknowledging the truth first. Additionally, here are more painful consequences of avoiding the truth and reasons you must not avoid it.

Regrettably, telling the truth is sometimes dangerous. Especially when it threatens long-standing understandings of how things are "supposed" to be. Telling the truth or uncovering lies can lead to a loss of friends, status, access to decision making or credibility. Telling the truth in an environment of deceit is, according to George Orwell, "a revolutionary act." The need, then, is not only to tell the truth, but to confront power with power--telling truth to power. In this time of heightened awareness, as well as in our daily lives, we must discern truth from fiction, tell the truth when we see it or confront lies when they are evident. Truth in human relationships is essential to the success of any relationship. Honesty, integrity, and respect should be at the core of any relationship. When these values are present, it fosters trust and understanding between people and creates a stronger bond. The truth should be shared openly and honestly, without fear of judgement or repercussion. The truth should be communicated respectfully and with a focus on mutual understanding. By being truthful and open with each other, relationships can become more meaningful and fulfilling.

Truth in divine relationship - The concept of truth in divine relationship refers to the idea that a relationship with a higher power or divine being requires honesty and integrity. It implies that, in order to foster a strong and meaningful connection with a divine being, one must be truthful in their words, thoughts and actions. This idea is prominent in many religious traditions around the world. For example, in Christianity, Jesus is quoted as saying "I am the way, the truth, and the life." (John 14:6). In Islam, Allah is described as "the Truth" (Quran 22:6). Similarly, in Hinduism, truth is seen as a fundamental part of spiritual practice, with the Bhagavad Gita stating "Truth is the highest virtue, but higher still is truthfulness" (Gita 6:40). Ultimately, truth in divine relationship emphasizes the importance of being honest and sincere in all aspects of life, both when interacting with a higher power and with other people.

B i o

Neil Kramer is a British teacher, writer, and speaker, specializing in the fields of theology, esotericism, and philosophy. Neil`s work focuses on cultivating a deeper understanding of self, soul, spirit, transformation, and divinity. His studies integrate many classical and mystical spiritual disciplines. His background in Christianity and Hermeticism has helped to foster a balance of both traditional and non-traditional approaches to comprehending spiritual reality.

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