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July 4, 2024

Paul LaViolette, Ph.D.

Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology [Encore]

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S y n o p s i s

Dr. Paul LaViolette, discussed the physics behind anti-gravity propulsion technology and showed how it is not only possible, but is currently being used in secret projects by our own government. "We're sort of being held in a 'technology cage,' on purpose, for fear of change," he said about what he believes to be a decades-long clandestine development of anti-gravity technology by the United States. "A lot of this work has been going on since the end of WWII, if not before," LaViolette said about the quest to break the bonds of gravity. He detailed some of the early experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown, who both used electricity to affect gravity. LaViolette noted that, in the mid-1950's, numerous aviation companies were not only attempting to develop anti-gravity technology but were quite open and enthusiastic about it -- until 1959. "Suddenly it was like a blackout in the media," he observed. This sudden silence, LaViolette surmised, was at the behest of the US government. He asserted that the B2 Stealth Bomber is a contemporary craft that utilizes anti-gravity capabilities. LaViolette speculated that it uses jet engines to take off, but then makes use of anti-gravity propulsion to maneuver. This, he said, adds an additional layer to the jet's stealth capabilities since, if his theories were correct, it could "go into the stratosphere, or beyond, and then just come down directly over the country they were entering."

B i o

Dr. Paul LaViolette was an accomplished interdisciplinary scientist renowned for his groundbreaking contributions across multiple fields of study. Holding a BA in Physics from Johns Hopkins University, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Systems Science/Astronomy from Portland State University, Dr. LaViolette's academic credentials were as impressive as his research output. He served as the president of the Starburst Foundation, where he conducted pioneering research in physics, astronomy, geology, climatology, and beyond.

Dr. LaViolette was the originator of subquantum kinetics, a novel unified field theory that resolved many longstanding problems in physics and provided a rational alternative to big bang cosmology. His theory has made numerous successful predictions, many of which have been validated by subsequent astronomical observations. He is also credited with the galactic superwave theory, which suggests that cosmic ray outbursts from the center of our galaxy periodically trigger major shifts in Earth's climate. His research led to significant discoveries, including the presence of high concentrations of cosmic dust in ice age polar ice and the occurrence of immense solar flare storm outbursts.

In addition to his scientific pursuits, Dr. LaViolette made significant contributions to our understanding of ancient knowledge. He deciphered scientific principles embedded in the traditions of the Tarot and astrology, opening new pathways to interpreting our ancient past. His work in this area was informed by his deep expertise in general system theory and physics.

Dr. LaViolette's legacy includes several influential books such as "Genesis of the Cosmos," "Earth Under Fire," "Decoding the Message of the Pulsars," "Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion," and "Subquantum Kinetics." His research and theories have been featured in documentaries on the Discovery and History channels, highlighting his impact on both the scientific community and the broader public.

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