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June 25, 2024

Sarah Hoffman's Apocalyptic Vision: A Glimpse of the End Times

In 1979, Sarah Hoffman tragically took her own life. Before she died, she claimed to have been shown a vision of the end of the world. This chilling narrative, replete with vivid and disturbing imagery, has fascinated many and left a lasting impact.

Sarah's experience is said to have begun with a "panoramic view" of Earth, drawing closer and closer until she was presented with a choice: return to her earthly life or remain in the "beautiful spirit world or paradise." What she witnessed was meant to help her decide.

A World on the Brink

Sarah described seeing a nuclear missile flying from Libya to Israel, triggering a chain reaction of missile exchanges and nuclear explosions worldwide. She knew the missile was from Iran but hidden in Libya. The resulting nuclear war caused immense devastation.

Her focus then shifted to the United States. Sarah saw the East Coast, particularly New York, where tall buildings (possibly the World Trade Towers) crumbled...

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