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February 6, 2009

Angelia Joiner

The Stephenville Lights

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Angelia Joiner is the former reporter for Empire Tribune who covered the Stephenville, Texas UFO case. As a consequence of being a true journalist and seeking the truth, her own newspaper terminated her employment, although this story and her coverage raised the newspaper's circulation to new precedents.

B i o

Formerly, a staff writer of the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, Angelia Joiner [1961 - 2021] is known internationally for breaking the January, 2008, UFO sightings in Stephenville, Texas. Angelia has appeared twice on Larry King Live and continues to do many interviews across the nation. Most recently she appeared on Discovery Channel Investigation X and worked closely with ABC producers on UFOs: Seeing is Believing, which aired on September 16, 2008, and resulted in a special thank you credit.

The Mutual UFO Network Texas branch recognized her in 2008 as the organization's "lead investigative reporter."

She has worked closely with Robert Powell, MUFON national research director, and Glen Schulze on the Stephenville radar report, which confirms an unknown object in the area on that now infamous night.

In 2007, Angelia earned two second place awards from the West Texas Press Association for feature writing and special coverage. In 2008, she won first place in feature writing from the same organization.

Angelia earned a Bachelor of Science and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Tarleton State University in 1998 with an interdisciplinary teaching certification.

She is a native of Stephenville, Texas, and a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, a professional women's organization for teachers.

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