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October 2, 2009

Robert O. Dean

UFOs & The Military

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

Robert "Bob" Dean is an officer and a gentleman. Bob discussed all aspects of his military career, contact with extraterrestrials and even described his experience aboard an alien ship. The UFO topic is proud to have Bob Dean as one of its most important ambassadors. Bob came disclosed a few stories that he has not shared before. We are honored to have Bob Dean on the show.

B i o

HIS MESSAGE: Retired command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean tells a story that skillfully presents an astonishing and convincing message: that we are not alone on this planet and never have been. Propelled upon a quest to share his discovery of a highly classified document he came upon during his military career, he has continued his agenda to inform the public about extraterrestrial life and our government`s connection. One of the few holders of first-hand knowledge about government involvement with alien life, Mr. Dean recounts the contents of the 1964 report called "an Assessment," the NATO military study that acknowledged and analyzed the implications of the alien presence here on Earth. Robert Dean is an engaging, masterful speaker who holds audiences spellbound by generating listeners` thirst for truth. His style is both provocative and stimulating. Mr. Dean weaves his persuasive argument around evidence found throughout history, art and literature to underscore his compelling information. Sharing his valuable collection of slides that document evidence of contact throughout history, he reveals how famous paintings, tapestries, cave drawings and relics from past civilizations confirm the presence of an extraterrestrial involvement with Earth. Truly compelling, this profoundly insightful revelation of alien communication and the government cover-up is a wake-up call for all of us.

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: Mr. Dean`s history includes forty years of research in the UFO field. He spent twenty-seven years of active duty in the US Army where he retired as Command Sergeant Major after serving as a highly decorated infantry combat veteran. He also served in Intelligence Field Operations and was stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the military arm of NATO. His Cosmic Top Secret clearance opened the way for his study of the highly controversial document of which he now speaks. Mr. Dean also spent fourteen years as an emergency services manager with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the Arizona Pima County Sheriff`s Department. He is the former Arizona Assistant Director and Pima County Director for the Mutual UFO Network and is a former member for the UFO studies (CUFOS) and the Ancient Astronauts Society. He also served twelve years as a member of the board of Directors for the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO). Mr. Dean majored in ancient history, psychology, and philosophy at Indiana University, completed extensive studies in archeology and theology and holds the equivalent of a masters level degree in Emergency Management. Beyond extensive United States engagements, he has spoken all over the world to share his message, appearing at sponsored events in England, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Hungary and Puerto Rico. He also has countless television, radio, video and news documentary appearances to his credit and has been honored with THREE lifetime achievement awards for his contribution to the field of Ufology.

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