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February 25, 2011

Len Kasten

The Secret History of Extraterrestrials

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Researcher Len Kasten discussed his research into UFOs and the alien agenda. Kasten said his interest in UFOs began at Eglin Air Force Base, where one night he witnessed a glowing green and gold craft moving swiftly and silently over the Gulf of Mexico. The sighting was confirmed the next day by radar operators and reported to a superior in the aptly titled 'UFO Office', he noted. Some years after Kasten's initial encounter, he began looking into the extraterrestrial presence on our planet.

According to Kasten, a malevolent alien race with whom Hitler had allied himself, and perhaps themselves bent on world domination, helped the Nazis develop flying saucer technology during World War II. After the war, in 1946, the U.S. launched a covert military action against an alleged secret underground Nazi base in Antarctica, where the troops were greeted by flying saucers from the ocean, he continued. The extraterrestrials warned American forces to never again return to Antarctica with weapons, Kasten added.

In 1954, shortly after rejecting a deal with a benevolent race known as the Pleiadians, President Eisenhower made his own arrangement with less kind aliens, Kasten revealed. Under the Treaty of Graeda, the Grays promised to help advance technology and weapons development in America in exchange for freedom to abduct the country's citizen, Kasten said. The ETs used these human abductees in a Hybrid Project, he asserted, noting that the aliens were part of a dying race.

Kasten believes several subsequent presidents were made aware of the government's dealings with aliens, and even suggested a possible connection between Project Serpo and the Kennedy assassination. Despite so much ET interaction over the decades, Kasten does not think the U.S. government will ever disclose their existence to the public -- which is a shame, as an alignment with good aliens could bring about paradise on Earth, he said.

B i o

Len Kasten has a B.A. degree from Cornell University, where he majored in psychology and minored in literature and philosophy. After graduating from Cornell he entered the U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadet program. While in the Air Force he experienced a UFO encounter that had a transformative effect on his life, although he didn't realize it until a few years later. After serving in the Air Force he moved to Richmond, Virginia. On frequent trips to Virginia Beach, he spent a lot of time in the extensive New Age library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), the organization founded by psychic Edgar Cayce, where he acquired a self-education in metaphysics. He then moved to Boston where he was introduced to Theosophy and joined the Boston Theosophical Society.

Then later, while working in Washington D.C. in the 1960s, he felt drawn to join the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). NICAP was the most prestigious organization in the country investigating UFO phenomena. Len then moved to Hartford, Connecticut where he joined the American Philosopher Society. Upon the death of the founder, Cyril Benton, Len became the president of the society. In the 1980s, the APS, under Len's leadership, commenced a program of weekly public lectures by prominent metaphysical and ufology researchers, writers, and leaders. While living in Connecticut Len became the editor of an early New Age publication, Metamorphosis Magazine co-founded with Gordon-Michael Scallion.

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