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April 29, 2011

John Lamb Lash

The Gnostic

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

We continue our discussion with another chapter of a fascinating view of meanings in a sacred history long, and wrongly suppressed. John Lash brings back his historical and anthropological erudition. We discussed how the indigenous people of America have been conquered converted into Christianity against their will. But let's not forget what beliefs they had before. Beliefs that put honor first. Many wonder how the indigenous people from Europe and America were so easily converted. They were the victims of false promises, and since they could not understand how other human beings lacked honor, they believed. People should not do harm because they will face punishment by a god but because doing harm is dishonorable. According to John Lash, on March 18, 2011 Gaia/Sophia/Earth got out of course and issued an transmitted a message to the center of the galaxy. Some say that we need to let others wake up. John Lash has no patience for inaction and believes he carries an enormous responsibility of knowledge that he wishes to disseminate as widely as possible.

B i o

John Lash has been called the true successor of Mircea Eliade and the rightful heir of Joseph Campbell. Unlike those two world-class academics, John is a self-educated free-lance scholar who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology: that is, the application of myth to life, rather than its mere interpretation. He is a leading exponent of the power of myth to direct individual experience and drive historical events over the long term. An expert on sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, and the World Ages, he also teaches the critique of belief-systems. On, he presents a radical revision of Gnosticism, with original commentaries on the Nag Hammadi codices. He also presents the only complete restoration by any scholar of the Sophianic myth of the Pagan Mysteries, the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia, recounting the origin of the earth and the human species from the galactic core.

Since October 2008, John Lash is teaching Planetary Tantra and interactive magic with Gaia through the archetype/icon of the Shakti Cluster, the Tantric Tree of Life. This material is intended to orient the general public toward free-form experimental mysticism grounded in an intimate commitment to the earth. His more controversial writings on Kala Tantra, Gaian sexual magic, can be found on KaliRising: Intimations of a Mystical Hedonist.

John Lash is the only scholar of comparative mythology so far known to have rewritten a classical myth, giving it a different outcome: Orpheus and Eurydice.

His published works are: The Seeker`s Handbook (1991) , Twins and the Double (1993) , The Hero - Manhood and Power (1995) , Quest for the Zodiac (1999) , Not in His Image (2006).

Idiosyncratic expression of experimental mysticism, Planetary Tantra represents the summit of my lifelong work in comparative mythology and completes my endowed vision of the Divine Feminine embodied in the earth, Gaia-Sophia. The Shakti Cluster is a spiritual archetype comparable to the Kabalistic Tree of Life, with similar cosmological features and interactive properties. I am convinced that its discovery can figure decisively in the planetary shift leading to the close of the present world cycle in 2216 CE.

I characterize the teachings and practices comprised in the visionary scenario of Planetary Tantra as a terma, a wisdom treasure. The name of this terma is Dorje Namkhia Khandro Nying Thig, "Seminal Heart of the Diamond-Sky Dakinis." In plain English, the Terma of Gaia Awakening. I invite all those who are so inclined to explore and elaborate this material, which originates with me but will not confined to my exposition. This is a serial, group-generated terma with a duration of 208 years from October 2008 when I received the secret dakini name for Gaia, the name She will answer to.

- JLL, July 2009 Andalusia

Links to Guest

Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief

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