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December 21, 2012

Mel Hostalrich

2012 Inside Veritas Special

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

This is Mel Hostalrich' third solo episode. After four years on the air, many listeners continue to ask for a program that would discuss the "INSIDE" aspects of Veritas Radio and Mel's views. During this episode we offer a tribute to the main catalyst for this program and our premiere episode guest, Milton Torres. Mel speaks with Geoffrey Torres, Milton's son about his father life and the generation of great men that served with him.

As the tradition continues, listeners submit their questions, ranging about 2012, past lives, ET / Alien Disclosure, individual vs. collective consciousness, how to avoid being targeted, the truth or fiction of astrological influences, planting seeds of truth, changing your emotional state to manifest reality, the biggest threats, the big picture, removing "government" from Disclosure and human progress, following intuition while taming the ego, choosing guests and topics, logical reasons that cause past life amnesia, December 21, 2012 has passed - now what? These are some of the many topics addressed during the 2012 Inside Veritas Special.

Bonus: Part 3

B i o

By now you know who Mel is... If not, please visit the ABOUT link above.

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