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January 18, 2013

Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D.

The Duality of Genius: Sowing the Seeds of Progress and Destruction

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Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher discussed the work of Einstein, Tesla, and others, and shared how their work has also been sequestered and turned into weapons, instead of progress. As many other researchers who step outside the proverbial box to help humanity, she has been threatened multiple times. As a holder of multiple patents, she is very aware that there is a duality with all inventions. They can be used to break the current paradigm or they can be used for destruction. One of her goals in life has been to figure what nature of reality is.

Dr. Rauscher discusses the concept of time travel and says that mental time travel is possible and being used with remote viewing. From the age of 9 to 13 she built her own telescopes. Science sometimes behaves like a religion, with its own unique structure. A true scientist changes their philosophy (their religion) to match the data. The date/facts are more important than what you believe them to be. That's a non-religion. That is using information to decide what is meaningful and real vs. what is not. Religion says, "You believe or else!" That's what our educational system says: "Shut up and believe the teacher!" That doesn't allow for individuals to think and be their own human beings. And that's the key. It's the freedom to think. The freedom to search for truth and knowledge and meaning within their own lives. That's the structure of society, religion, and even science.

Civilization is a very thin facade. Compassion is crucial to the way we live. Compassion with the planet and every living being live in harmony. When astronauts leave Earth they need their life support system. Without it they die. Human beings are damaging their life-support system, planet Earth, and it's out of power and greed. The main points that perpetuate the Status Quo are:

1. Resistance to change

2. Money and power invested in the system the way it is.

B i o

A. Academic Research

Dr. Elizabeth A. Rauscher was associated with the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) from 1964 until 1979, first as a graduate student and then as a research staff member. From 1964 until 1966 she was with the theoretical nuclear science division and from 1966-1969, with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Theoretical Nuclear, Plasma and Astrophysical Program. From 1969 until 1974 she was associated with the theoretical particle physics group and from 1974 until 1977 she was associated with the Nuclear Science Theoretical and experimental Bevatron accelerator program from 1977 until 1979 she was on staff with the Nuclear Physics G.T. Seaborg research group.

Dr. Rauscher held concurrent invited positions at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) from 1971 to 1972 and was a consultant of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Radio Physics Laboratory 1974-1977 in theoretical relativistic physics. She also held a Navy grant from 1970-1974 through U.C. Berkeley and also she held an Air Force consulting position in 1979 an antennae theory and in 1979 and 1989, she was a delegate to the United Nations on long term energy sources and environmental issues. As a consultant and adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, she conducted theoretical research and advised experimental programs on fast light ion-atom collisions, primarily helium to calculate high resolution extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission cross sections 1990-1995 in which she worked with faculty and graduate students in completing their graduate programs. From 1997-1999 she conducted research on generalized quantum theory and relativistic invariance under a Stanford Engineering research grant.

B. Program Development, Administration and Committees

Administrative experience, program and group leadership and committee activities are listed. These projects involved the knowledge and ability to coordinate, integrate, organize and deal with interpersonal relationships of administrators, faculty, students and employees, as well as budgetary programs. Also utilized was the ability to present information in written, graphical and oral presentation for.

Dr. Rauscher served on the academic oversight committee on women in academia at UCB (1969-1971), was on the Radiation Safety Committee (1972) at LBNL, set up successful training and advancement programs for LBNL employees (1969-1973), organized and chaired coordinating and review committee for minority students and employee programs for recruitment and training at UCB and LBNL (1970-1973) and met on a regular basis with LBNL Directors Edwin McMillan and later with Andrew Sessler on laboratory policy issues, organized and chaired the Fundamental Physics group at LBNL (1974-1977) in which over forty physicists, biophysicists and sociologists participated, directed solar physics research program at LLNL (1966-1967), vice president academic senate at JFK University (1980-1982), elected president of the PRG psychology and interdisciplinary nonprofit program in San Francisco, CA (1980-1986), board of directs MIT habitat research program, conducted in Santa Barbara, CA (1975-1978), organized new section of the IEEE, Tesla Centennial (1984-1988), elected president of the N.W. Center for the study of Non-Ionizing Radiation (1991-1993), delegate and adviser to the United Nations (1979, 1989) as previous stated, President and Research Director of Tecnic Research Laboratories of California (1979-1988) which held NASA, Navy, Air Force and academic and industrial consulting contracts and also DOE, DOD and private industry grants, vice president Magtek laboratories, Inc. of Nevada conducting biomedical and bioengineering research and conducting FDA studies (1988-1993), advised Reno City Planning Commission (1992) and partner Tecnic Research Laboratory of Arizona (1998-present).

Dr. Rauscher has given invited talks and chaired technical meeting sections as well as conducted consulting projects internationally in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, England, France, Spain, India, North Africa, Korea, Japan, Singapore and Iceland. She has published over 200 papers, talks, books, book chapters, patents, and has participated in extensive public lecturing, television, and radio interviews on science topics, science and society and the sociology and history of science.

C. Government and Industrial Positions

In 1979, she started her own company, Tecnic Research Laboratories (TRL) of California which held a number of government and private industrial grants and contracts. She held a Navy contract in 1983, 1990, 1991 on ionospheric studies and from 1983 until 1985, she had a NASA space shuttle project contract under TRL to increase the integrity of welds under plasma are welding. Also she had, under TRL, a contract with Primary Energy Technology on quantum effects in semiconductors from 1980 to 1982 as well as a number of other contracts and grants under TRL. The Navy and NASA projects were conducted with Dr. William Van Bise.

Dr. Rauscher held a number of other consulting positions in private industry, such as DuPont Control Corporation, Los Angeles, renewable energy systems, 1979, Primary Energy Technology, LA, solid state quantum electronics (1980-1982), Bioelectronic Corp., LA, high temperature superconductors, 1981-1982, Technion Corp, New York, quantum electronics, 1977, Assentia Research Associates, Amherst, Wisconsin, plasma gas discharges (1977-1981).

Dr. Rauscher and William Van Bise, D.Sc. developed a sensitive non-superconducting magnetic field detector, rivaling the sensitivity of the "SQUID", about 10-11 Gauss, which is patented. They have conducted over twenty years of extensive research on low frequency, low intensity magnetic field measurements and theoretical model development.

Dr. Van Bise and Dr. Rauscher coinvented and developed devices and procedures to normalize cardiac functioning and reduce pain utilizing pulsed magnetic fields. She conducted detailed data analysis and developed the detailed mathematical models for these patented inventions and protocols for clinical studies.

D. Teaching Positions and Classes Taught

Dr. Rauscher has taught lower and upper division mechanics, graduate course in classical mechanics and general relativity and a seminar series in astrophysics, undergraduate electromagnetism, lower division mathematics and undergraduate laboratories, and upper division and graduate thermodynamics at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), 1964, 1971-1974. She also proposed, developed and taught a course in scientific method and the philosophy and history of science at UCB 1971 and 1973 and by invitation at Stanford 1972 and also by invitation and also at J.F. Kennedy University, CA, 1978 through 1984. Dr. Rauscher conceived, started and chaired the Fundamental Physics seminar group at LBNL on the foundations of quantum mechanics and Bells theorem from 1974 to 1977. She supervised Ph.D. students, M.S. students and numerous undergraduate students on special projects at UCB, JFK University and University of Nevada, NV, UNR. She received excellent recommendations from faculty and students and many research papers and several books resulted from the Fundamental Physics Group.

E. Thesis Topics

1. M.S. Thesis, "Effects of Collective Excited States on Alpha Particle Barrier Penetrability," University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UCRL-11875, 1965.

2. Ph.D. Thesis, Coupled Channel Alpha Decay Theory for Even and Odd-Mass Light and Heavy Nuclei," University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBL-7194, 1978. Thesis advisor Glenn T. Seaborg (three Nobel prize Winners on thesis committee).

F. Books and Manuals

1. A Unifying Theory of Fundamental Processes: Nucleo-Abundances and Cosmological Models, University of California LBNL Press, UCRL-20808, 1971.

2. The Philosophy of Science, History and Methodology of Scientific Research and Technological Application, Science and Society, textbook syllabus and courses taught at U.C. Berkeley, Stanford and J.F. Kennedy University, University Press, 1971.

3. The Iceland Papers: Frontiers of Physics, Coeditor and contributor, forewords by B.D. Josephson and E.A. Rauscher, Assentia Research Associates, Amherst, Wisconsin 54406, 1979, 1995.

4. A Short Course in Algebra with an Introduction to Trigonometry, Syllabus for LLNL Course 1966, TNC-17 (UCID), 1966.

5. AIP Encyclopedia of Applied Physics with co-authors, Molecular and Atomic Collision Process with Ion Beams UNR, Volume 10, pp. 437-470, November 1994.

G. Holder of Four Patents

1. E.A. Rauscher and W. Van Bise, Non-Superconducting Apparatus for Detecting Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields U.S. Patent Number 4,724,390, issued February 9, 1988.

2. E.A. Rauscher and W. Van Bise, External Magnetic Field Impulse Pacemaker, Non Invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals through External Magnetic or Electric Field to Pace the Heart and Reduce Pain, U.S. Patent Number 4,723,536, issued February 9, 1988.

3. E.A. Rauscher and W. Van Bise, Non-invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals through an External Magnetic or Electric Field to Reduce Pain, U.S. Patent number 4,889,526, issued December 26, 1989.

4. E.A. Rauscher and W. Van Bise, Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals through an External Magnetic Field to Reduce Pain European Patent Number 0223354, granted September 1, 1993.

H. Memberships in Professional Organizations

American Physical Society, The Mathematical Society of America, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Nuclear Society, Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers, International Society for the Study of Energy Medicine, American Associates of Medical Instruments and American Association of Mathematics.

I. Honory Membership and Recognition

Marquis Who`s Who of Men and Women in Science, Golden State Who`s Who in the West, Who`s Who in California, Who`s Who in Technology Today, Leading Consultants in Technology, Who`s Who Historical Society, Men of Achievement, Community Leaders of America, Who`s Who of American Inventors, World Leadership Award (England), Outstanding Teachers Award, Award for Significant Research Joint ABC/USA, DOE top ten women in USA in science award, USPA Leaders of America Life Time Membership Award, Iota Sigma Pi fellow, Delta Delta Delta scholarships at UCB. She graduated with Honors and presidential Commendation for service to the University of California, Berkeley.

J. Honors Received

1. Lifetime Achievement Award for the Study of the Foundations of Quantum Theory and Conscious Observer Presented by the ISSSEEM Medical Group, Colorado 2007.

2. USPA for the USA Man of the Year Award for Fundamental Contributions to Science, particularly Electromagnetic Theory, 1989.

3. Rosebridge Graduate School of Psychology Certificate of Contribution to Scientific Knowledge in Medical Science and Education (1988-1990).

4. ABC/USA Award for contributions to Theoretical Scientific Knowledge, 1991.

5. For Contributions to Fundamental Knowledge in History, Who`s Who in History of the Western United States, 1985.

6. The Golden State Award in Recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement in the Sciences, Superior Leadership in Education and Exceptional Services to the Success of the state of California, 1988.

7. Invited Speaker at the Special Ceremonial, 50th Anniversary of the isolation of Plutonium, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, November, 1991.

8. Invited Speaker, American Physical Society, Accelerator Conference, November 1992, Awards in Contribution to Atomic Physics.

9. Award for Outstanding Contribution to Astronomy and Astrophysics, American Astronomical Society Meeting, Lawrence Hall of Science, 1978.

10. CSPS Hall of Fame Award by the California Society for Psychical Studies for Outstanding Research in Bioelectromagnetism, The Foundations of Quantum Theory, and Contributions to Humanity, 1990.

11. Received the Medal of Honor for contributions in Unity of the Sciences, Seoul Korea, November 13, 1981.

12. The advanced Institute of Noetic Sciences award for Frontier Sciences award for 2005.

13. The Albert Einstein ARE acknowledgment for the most outstanding woman in science, 2004.

14. Graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, California with presidential Commendation for Service to the University of California, Berkeley, 1962.

15. Certificate of Merit in Outstanding Work in Photography, First Place Winner Award "The Farm" N4C Interclub Competition in Amateur Photography, July 1992.

16. Iota Sigma Pi Honor Fraternity, 1962.

17. Delta Delta Delta Scholarship, 1958.

18. Tower and Flame honor Society, 1962.

K. Additional Activities

Dr. Rauscher taught skin and scuba diving (1966-1971) and dove extensively in California, Hawaii and Bermuda, also climbing and spelunking, climbed Half Dome in Yosemite (1964), Piloted Cessnas 150`s and 175`s (1966-1981) and is also a prize winning photographer (1964-1978). Interviewed numerous times on television and radio in the U.S. and other countries on her research, and science education.

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Orbiting the Moons of Pluto: Complex Solutions to the Einstein, Maxwell, Schrodinger and Dirac Equations

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