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February 8, 2013

Lawrence Spencer

Alien Interview

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

From Lawrence R. Spencer, editor of 'ALIEN INTERVIEW': The content of this interview and book is the letter, official Top Secret U.S. Army Air Force interview transcripts and personal notes I received from the late Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy. Her letter to me asserts that this material is based on a series of interviews she conducted with an extraterrestrial being as part of her official duty as a nurse in the U.S. Army Air Force. The extraterrestrial she interviewed identified itself as an officer, pilot and engineer of The Domain Expeditionary Force, a race of beings who have been using the asteroid belt in our solar system as a intergalactic base of operations for the past 10,000 years. Her dying request was that the transcripts finally be released to the world. In a letter received with the transcripts, Mrs. MacElroy says: "Mankind needs to know the answers to questions which are contained in these documents: Who are we? Where did we come from? What is our purpose on Earth? If there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe why have they not contacted us? It is vital that people understand the devastating consequences to our physical and spiritual survival if we fail to take effective action to undo the long-standing and pervasive effects of alien intervention on Earth."

Bonus: Part 3

B i o

Lawrence R. Spencer is the author of 8 books. His books explore facts and fantasies of universes, both physical and spiritual, including western history, art, mythology, personal spiritual immortality, logic and science fiction.

Mr. Spencer also has a special interest and expertise in the books of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to whom the book `SHERLOCK HOLMES: MY LIFE` is a tribute.

As an accomplished oil painter himself, Mr. Spencer has made a ground breaking study of the life and paintings of the Dutch master Johannes Vermeer, about which the book `VERMEER: PORTRAITS OF A LIFETIME` is written.

Mr. Spencer is also the Editor of the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, including transcripts, letters and personal notes provided by the late Army Air Force Nurse Matilda MacElroy concerning the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.

Mr. Spencer is a business consultant and multimedia producer. His Internet Blog contains personal commentary, literature and poetry about "LIFE, UNIVERSES and Other Stuff".

The "author" of `ALIEN INTERVIEW] is the Roswell US Army Air Force Nurse, Matilda MacElroy. Lawrence R. Spencer organized and edited the material I received from her into a publishable format, and added footnotes for clarification and edification of the letters, notes and military interview transcripts she mailed to me shortly before her death.

Updated biography from Lawrence Spencer: Before my retirement I earned my living in California as a forest fire-fighter, hospital janitor. After college I was a retail shop manager (in Waikiki), then as a salesperson, semi-truck owner/operator, computer software developer, corporate executive in finance and advertising, and for many years as a consultant to chiropractors and other natural health care professionals and for small business owners including more than 60 business types. All the while I enjoyed my interests as an oil painter, tennis player, and later as a researcher/author/publisher. I raised 4 children and have 4 grandchildren. I spent the last several years being a full-time care-giver in my home to my 94 year old mother who suffers from dementia, who is now in a private hospice care facility. My wife and I moved from California to a "Sun City" retirement community in Texas 6 months ago.

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Alien Interview

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