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August 15, 2013

Stephen Bassett

Ending The Truth Embargo

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

From April 29 to May 3, 2013 Paradigm Research Group produced its most ambitious project - the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. Forty witnesses from ten countries were brought to the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Researchers, activist and military/agency persons of high rank and station testified for thirty hours over five days before six former members of the U. S. Congress regarding events and evidence supporting the extraterrestrial explanation for a range of unexplained phenomena.

B i o

Stephen Bassett is a leading advocate for ending the 60-year, government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He is a political activist, lobbyist, commentator, columnist and conference producer. He is the founder of the Paradigm Research Group, the Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), the creator of the Paradigm Clock and the executive producer of the X-Conference. Since 1996 Bassett has assisted many organizations and initiatives making the case for 1) an end to the government`s truth embargo, and 2) open congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees witness to extraterrestrial-related events and evidence. He has appeared on hundreds of radio and television talk shows and in numerous documentaries delivering the message to millions of people of the likelihood and implications of "Disclosure" - the formal acknowledgement of the ET presence by the governments of the world.

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