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September 19, 2013

Ole Dammegard

Coup d'Etat in Slow Motion

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

From the guest: For more than 20 years I have worked on solving the mystery behind the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task and has cost the lives of two dear friends.

My book "Coup d'etat in Slowmotion" / 'Statskupp i Slowmotion' is not just any book, but an intense study of one of the biggest murder investigations in modern history (with some 1000 pages with lots of photos, documents, detailled maps and images).

What is still claimed to be the deed of a madman has turned out to have its roots within the international military complex and world finances at the very highest level.

The book has been called 'a true Bomb of Truth' and my extensive research has revealed incredible links to other big political 'events' like the killing of JFK, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Che Guevara, Salvador Allende, and Pablo Neruda as well as the sinking of m/s Estonia, killing almost 1000 people.

People in the publishing business have been interested, in Germany, England, Denmark, Holland, USA, Spain, France and on Ireland, but none has had the courage to be the first one to publish it.

B i o

Ole Dammegard is an award winning author, investigator, musician, artist, painter, former journalist, and much more. For more than 20 years he has worked very hard to expose some of the biggest conspiracies around the globe, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task.

Not only does he believe he has now managed to, more or less, solve the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, one of the world`s greatest murder mysteries, his extensive research has also revealed incredible links between big political `events` like the killing of JFK, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Che Guevara, Salvador Allende, Pablo Neruda and many others as well as the cold-blooded sinking of m/s Estonia, taking almost 1000 innocent lives.

He has appeared on international radio, which has caused a tidal wave of international interest. He`s not here to spread fear. His goal is to prevent the Global Elite from turning this beautiful world into a controlled and horrible place and he`s totally dedicated to revealing their agenda, including False Flag-operations all over the world.

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Coup d'Etat in Slow Motion

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