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August 3, 2017


Belief is the Enemy of Knowing

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

It's not often that I get the opportunity to interview another truth seeker with his own radio podcast. His motto is "belief is the enemy of knowing" which is 100% compatible with our goals of uncovering the truth here. You may have seen his videos of lunar waves and many other astounding HD clips. He's interested in many topics and tonight we'll try to dissect many of them. His goal is one, like me, to uncover the truth. The Apollo mission, space, the Moon, chemtrails, and the false reality we all live in.

B i o

Crrow777 holds a degree in Internet Technology. Having worked in the digital field since the 90`s, Crrow has now made the commitment to pursue his passion of lunar anomaly and space anomaly research and podcast. This is a far cry from his service as a U.S. Marine during the first gulf war. Upon separation from the military spent 10 years as a roady (stage hand) working for some of the most well known music acts on the planet. In 1995 Crrow purchased the 8" robotic telescope that began his research. He recalls seeing the moons of Jupiter for the first time through this telescope - at which point he was hooked. His fascination with the unknown has never diminished. - Fast forward to the super moon of May 2012. On this night, Crrow had gathered with family to view the moon`s closest approach to Earth for the year. It was this occasion that ended up changing everything. That night Crrow and family members witnessed "black triangles" transiting the full moon through his 8" telescope using a 26mm eyepiece. This went on for hours and culminated in the observation of 5-7 of the objects in formation. Following the night of the super moon in 2012, Crrow purchased the equipment needed to couple his camera with his telescope. He has been filming astounding HD footage ever since. Recently Crow moved to the east coast which has made filming non-stop nearly impossible due to weather. While waiting for good weather to match the moons path he runs podcast with an episode each week.

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