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May 16, 2019

Aage Nost

Aliens & Agenda 21

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Are we living in a prison called Earth, controlled and orchestrated by a ruling elite under a plan to extinguish human life for profit? According to the intelligence gathering Web site, the population forecast of the United States from 327 million to 100 million in 2025. By the year 2030 the human population could be reduced to only 500 million. We can fight back if we unite before it's too late!

B i o

He was born on a farm in Norway, in Northern Europe. He had to take over much of the work and management of the farm at an early age as a teenager. While still a teenager, he had learned Hypnosis from a magician in Europe. After graduation from Agricultural College, He operated the family farm for several years, in Norway. He spent one year in mandatory military service, driving a battle-tank, in his country of birth; Norway. . -",",- By the age of 25 he had learned several languages, studied science including Metaphysics and different forms and theories of Spirituality. At the age of 25 he left Norway to go to the USA to go to flight school at Emery School of Aviation in Greeley, Colorado. After one year he graduated from flight school. He has obtained the following Pilot licenses, certificates and ratings: Commercial Pilot License with an Instrument Rating, Flight Instructor - Airplane (CFI), Flight Instructor -Instrument(CFII), Multi Engine rating, Multi Engine Instructor Airplane (CFIM), Multi Engine Instructor Instrument (CFIIM). After graduating from flight school, he worked for other flight schools and Air Taxi operators for 3 years to gain more experience, and log more flight time. In 1975, with a partner, they started a flight school (Arrowhead Airways, Inc.) at the Anoka County airport in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Besides being one of the most active flight schools in the Minneapolis area, Arrowhead Airways, Inc. grew to an International Air Taxi operation and scheduled Air Carrier. For several years he taught Ground school for the flight school. This included Aero- Dynamics, Meteorology, Federal Aviation Regulations, Aircraft Engine, Navigation theory and systems, and accident prevention etc. He has flown Piston, Turbo Propeller and Jet aircraft. He has logged more then 10,000 hours of flight time, both in teaching and transportation, including almost 1,000 hours "upside down" teaching Aerobatics. He acted as an Accident Prevention Counselor for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and gave Bi-Annual flight reviews for re-certification of pilots. After he sold his share of Arrowhead Airways, Inc. to his partner, he started to do other things as starting American Barter, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota, got more into Paranormal research, hypnosis, oil painting, teaching hypnosis and mind development. Between then and now, he has done and been involved in many projects; He taught the "Subliminal Dynamics Mind Development" course, (now called "Subliminal Dynamics Mind Management"), which teaches you to assimilate information from a book at the rate of 50,000 or more words per minute or more, Perfected memory, Creative visualization for healing and manifestation, Creative goal setting, and other things not taught in the regular school system. As a joint venture he developed a patent, US Patent Number 5193719, perfected the paperwork and drawings on the original patent, and was granted a patent in the USA and 10 European countries. He created and operated the "Freedom Civil Rights Investigation Service" to help people with legal problems. He created, wrote and published "The Constitutional liberator", a monthly newsletter covering controversial political issues, the "truth behind the truth", health issues and "banned" medical cures that works, besides many topics the mainstream media do not dare to touch. He co-wrote a book with author, Patricia Ress of Omaha, Nebraska, titled "Alien Encounters in America`s Midwest". It featured hidden Government documents proving the Government cover-up of the UFO issue, NASA prints of building and structures on our Moon, and personal testimonies from people who have had contacts with Extra Terrestrials. The book is now out of print. In 1999 he hosted a live call in radio show on KTKT Radio in Tucson, Arizona. It was dealing with Holistic Health Care, Oxygen and the body, Nutrition and how to stay healthy the natural way. For 6 years he was the Host and Producer of a live TV talk show called "The Hidden Truths", in Tucson, Arizona. It featured the Paranormal, UFO, controversial political issues, Government cover-ups, mind development, hidden and "banned" medical cures, future science, and other "out of the box" issues not covered by the Mainstream Media. For 5 years he was the Host of a TV news cast called "Access News". It featured mostly the "Politically Incorrect News Behind The News". In January of the year 2000 he helped create, operated and managed a radio station (KRVL) in Tucson, Arizona. The programming was almost entirely "Talk Radio", with the main purpose of educating the people on Constitutional and Freedom related subjects, as well as Paranormal and Spiritual issues. Because of its uniqueness, a film documentary was created of the Radio station and the people running it. This TV documentary was entered and presented at the International Film Festival, It was titled: "Making Waves". In the year 2000, he was nominated by the libertarian Party to be on the Ballot and run for Congress in Congressional District 5 in Arizona. From time to time he writes articles for publications in the USA and Europe. For over two decade he has done research on law and Paralegal work for people. On February 28, 2000, a Star was named after him, and registered with the "International Star Registry" in Switzerland. The Star number is: 3101159, and is located in the Pisces Constellation at: MV 11.0 RA. 1h, 34m, 16.93s, Decline 4 degrees 5` 0.53". In July, 2003 he was interviewed by BBC Television in England, for a TV Documentary titled: "Time Trip", discussing the possibilities of, and practical applications of Time Travel. Others interviewed for the same Documentary was Theoretical Physicist and author Michio Kaku, and three other Theoretical Physicists. Also interviewed was Patricia Ress, of Omaha, Nebraska who has written several books on Time Travel. These people are the foremost experts on Theoretical Physics and the "technical" side of Time Travel in the world. The TV Documentary has been shown globally to about a Billion people. He has been featured in multi-page articles in European newspapers, his business, run for political office, Television and radio shows, writings, research, and adventures in the USA. And the journey goes on - - -

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