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October 3, 2019

Matt Landman

Advice for Living in a Radioactive Hyper-Digital World

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

You eat organic and non-GMO food. You only drink purified water. You take care of yourself and your family's health. But could there be a silent, invisible danger causing potential harm to you and your loved ones? There could. And it's called electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation and it's one of fastest growing health issues facing our society. EMF radiation produced by modern technology such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, Wi-Fi, and smart meters is an emerging health threat, and we are all guinea pigs in a giant experiment with many unknown consequences.

But aren't these technologies regulated and safe?

Is there a solution?

And what about 5G? The next generation wireless access technology.

B i o

Matt Landman was raised in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., where he developed an early interest in business and environmental issues. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech in 2003. Pursuing his passion for sustainability, Matt moved to California and worked in finance while studying film at California State University, Humboldt. In 2010, he obtained a Master's degree in Business Administration with a focus on Strategic Sustainability.

After a successful career in business and finance, Matt transitioned to organic farming. This career change marked the beginning of his journey as an activist. While working outdoors in Northern California, he observed the effects of weather engineering during a severe drought. This eye-opening experience led him to dedicate his life to exposing atmospheric aerosol dispersal and its implications.

In 2015, Matt fully committed to raising awareness about geoengineering. He hosted the first Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Vancouver, Canada, in May 2016, followed by a second summit in May 2017. In June 2017, Matt released the groundbreaking documentary "Frankenskies," which delves into the history and impact of weather modification programs. Since then, he has tirelessly promoted the film and is currently working on its sequel, continuing his mission to uncover and expose hidden agendas affecting our environment.

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