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As you know, I lived in Mexico in the early 1990s. I found the country and its people fascinating. The culture, nature, its ancient architecture, and last, but not least, its mystery. There is so much folklore and legends, but many say that a lot of what is being taught via oral tradition may have happened after all. What about the Mapimi Silent Zone? A desert patch in Durango, Mexico. In July 1970, the United States launched an Athena test rocket from the Green River Launch Complex in Utah towards the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The rocket lost control and fell in the Mapimi Desert region. It was carrying two small containers of cobalt 57, a radioactive element. Legends include strange magnetic anomalies that prevent radio transmission", mutations of flora and fauna, extraterrestrial visitations, and a Mexican pilot who supposedly first reported that his radio experienced unexplained malfunctions while flying over the area in the 1930s. The area is sometimes compared to the Bermuda Triangle, as both are located between parallels 26 and 28. But tonight, It's "The X Files" meets "Ancient Aliens" with a Latino twist. Many Americans do not know that a whole other world exists right across their southern border. We'll examine the magic, the mysteries and the miracles of Mexico and will discuss ancient mysteries, myths and legends, religious curiosities, bizarre history, legendary creatures and otherworldly phenomena.
Author Robert Bitto has has over 25 (now 30) years of experience in Mexico, as a student, as an employee for a large multinational corporation and as an owner of an imports business founded in 1999, Suenos Latin American Imports. He was a professional researcher by trade from 1990-1993, and in addition to his MBA and BBA, he holds an MA in Latin American Studies from the University of New Mexico." I have also been running the podcast/YouTube channel, Mexico Unexplained, since January of 2016. It`s been described as "The `X-Files` meets `Unosolved Mysteries` with a Latino twist." Officially, I say that I explore the magic, the mysteries and the miracles of Mexico. I`ve also produced two books in connection with the show: Mexico Unexplained (released October 2017) and my latest, Mexican Monosters (released October 2019). The material I draw from is literally unlimited. There are hundreds of potential shows I have yet to do. As far as talking points go, well, there are so many topics we can explore. I divide my shows into categories: Myths & Legends, Ancient Mysteries, Otherworldly Phenomena, Obscure History, Cryptids & Legendary Creatures, and Hodgpodge. Maybe we can pick topics from the categories.
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