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March 19, 2020

Ed Haslam

Dr. Mary's Monkey & The Secret Virus Laboratory in New Orleans

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This is an encore presentation.

Before we begin with tonight's encore, I wanted to let you know why I chose this particular interview. The 1964 bizarre death of Dr. Mary Sherman, a nationally known cancer researcher, sets the stage for a gripping expose of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations. Following a trail of police reports, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, our discussion presents a web of secret-keeping which swept doctors into cover-ups of contaminated polio vaccines, cancer outbreaks, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and a deadly biological weapon tested on both monkeys and humans. Add Lee Harvey Oswald to the cast of this secret bio-weapon project, and this dark tale connects Oswald's summer of secrets to the intrigue surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy. And now we have the coronavirus. Perhaps this interview will shed some light about the origins and covert operations responsible for manufacturing and releasing laboratory made pandemics. Remember to not be in fear during these times of uncertainty. Be in awareness. Enjoy

Former advertising executive Ed Haslam discussed how his investigation of the 1964 murder of a cancer researcher led him to a story which connects a massive contamination of the polio vaccine to our current cancer epidemic and even the JFK assassination. "When you look at the story, each piece fits in with each other piece, very cleanly and very logically," Haslam observed, "it's only when you stand back and look at it, that it looks as strange as it does."

While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950's had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he said, was detected after half of the doses, a staggering 100 million vaccines, had been administered to an unwitting public. Allegedly, the creators of the vaccine were afraid to admit the error and subsequently distributed the remaining half of the "medicine" as well. Having studied data on cancer diagnoses, Haslam noted that a "massive epidemic" of soft tissue cancers "erupts in the years following the polio vaccines." Making matters worse, he said, the cancer-causing virus could be transmitted sexually and has even appeared in grandchildren of people who received the compromised vaccine.

Realizing their grave mistake, Haslam said, those "in the know" about the widespread inoculation tried to develop a vaccine against it by mutating the virus using a particle accelerator. According to his research, it was during this process that they discovered that the radiation caused the virus to become even more aggressive. It was at that point, Haslam said, the project shifted over to weaponizing the cancer-causing virus. Eventually, the weaponized virus was so powerful that it would kill a human in 28 days. He claimed that this number was derived from a clandestine test of the virus on inmates from a Louisiana prison. The end result was a potent weapon that was virtually untraceable.

Making the story even more bizarre, many of the players in the cancer-causing virus story have connections to the JFK assassination. For instance, one of the researchers in the weaponization project had Lee Harvey Oswald as her bodyguard and handler. Additionally, one of the bases of operation for these studies was the home of longtime Kennedy assassination suspect David Ferrie. And, bringing the tale back to where it all started, on the very day that the Warren Commission began their investigation of the JFK assassination, Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered.

B i o

Edward T. Haslam was born in Kansas in 1951. Soon afterwards, his father was appointed to a teaching position at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans. As a child he got to know one of his father`s colleagues, Mary Sherman.
Haslam was educated at the Jesuit High School in New Orleans. Haslam had teachers, classmates and friends whose family members were involved in the investigation carried out by Jim Garrison. As Haslam himself points out this gave him an "insider perspective" of these events.

In the 1970s Haslam worked with the piano-player Professor Longhair. When he died in 1980 Haslam got out of the music business and pursued a career in advertising. This included the managing the advertising campaigns for the Chrysler Corporation. As he pointed out: "I went from Professor Longhair to Lee Iacocca in 8 years".

In 1990 Haslam began to investigate the death of Mary Sherman and her relationship with David Ferrie. In July, 1995 he published Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus.

Haslam continued his research and in 2007 he published Dr. Mary`s Monkey. In the book he looks at the connections between Mary Sherman, Alton Ochsner, Patrick J. Frawley, Ed Butler, David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Haslam argues that "Ochsner`s hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up." Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited Mary Sherman to run the research operation The basic project was set up March 23, 1962, using conventional facilities, which then expanded out of the loop for its final phases. Haslam believes that Sherman was involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccine contaminated with SV-40. This work included using a linear particle accelerator located in the Infectious Disease Laboratory at the Public Health Service Hospital in New Orleans. According to Haslam there was a second-lab working on this project. This was being run by David Ferrie on Louisiana Avenue Parkway.

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