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September 15, 2022

Dolly Safran

Close Encounters of the Ultimate Kind

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

One evening in January 1973, fourteen-year-old Dolly Safran gazed out the window of her home near the Florida Everglades. Without warning, a UFO dropped from the sky and hovered in her backyard. To her shock, Dolly could see thin gray-skinned figures with large dark eyes staring back at her. Frightened, she dived under her bed to hide. At that moment, her bedroom filled with a blazing blue light. The next thing she knew, morning had arrived. She was lying on the floor wearing somebody else's pajamas. She had been taken, again. This was not her first episode of missing time. It had happened many times before. Only this time, something different happened. Dolly remembered. In fact, she remembered everything.

Over the next few days, Dolly recalled being taken onboard the craft, where she was examined by gray ETs. She then had a long conversation with them, was given a tour of the craft, and was told she would soon be contacted again. Only a few days later, the ETs returned and took her onboard again. Dolly had no fear as she spoke with the grays, who reminded her that she had been contacted many times before. She was asked if she would like to work with them and learn from them, and what she would like to learn? Amazed by the opportunity, Dolly chose to learn how to pilot the craft. The ETs agreed.

So began Dolly's lifelong experiences with the grays. She recalled all of her earlier childhood experiences and finally understood what had been happening to her. She remembered being taken by the grays to another planet where she and other children were taught by the grays about a wide variety of subjects: science, history, philosophy, spirituality and more. More encounters followed. Soon her lessons focused on how to pilot the craft herself, and before long, she was placed in the pilot seat allowed to fly the UFO herself.

As Dolly grew into adulthood, her relationship with the grays deepened. She was visited on a weekly basis, more than a hundred times each year. Sometimes she was taken to learn on other planets, other times she was taken onboard massive motherships. She soon met a wide variety of ET types. She was told that Earth is in a critical stage of its evolution and that humanity was on the verge of world-shaking events that would cause sweeping changes across the planet. Dolly's mission was to work with the grays to assist humanity and help everyone survive the coming changes.

B i o

Dolly Safran began her life journey already a generational contactee. Her father, an Airborne Ranger in the US Army, was also a contactee from an early age. Growing up was challenging for Dolly as occurrences of disappearing from her home, psychic phenomena and unseen friends caused anxiety for her mother. Until the age of 14, Dolly`s memories were not fluid. She knew strange things were happening, but could not connect reality to them. It took a huge push to fight for her conscious recall to remain intact. After gaining awareness, her life took on purpose. Nursing began her journey. Then she began serving as a civilian worker in the US Department of the Treasury, and also in the Army as a Department of Defense employee. Life changed those trajectories suddenly, and she was happy to become a zoo keeper and an Animal Baby Momma for a private zoo and sanctuary in Florida. All while being taught by and working with ET. Dolly`s decision to break her silence is now an imperative for her.?

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