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April 13, 2023

James Martin

Uncharted: A Rediscovered History of Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Today, we will be exploring the history, mythology, and evidence of those who traveled to pre-Columbian America. Native groups have lived in the Americas for more than 10,000 years, but the voyages of Columbus surely did not bring the first visitors. Our guest today is James Martin, an expert in pre-Columbian American history and mythology, who will shed light on a range of cultures who seemingly visited the Americas long before Columbus.

In his research, Martin has explored the voyages of Egyptians, Greeks, Celts, Vikings, as well as various people from Asia, including a large Chinese group who likely settled in the Americas in 100 BC. Martin has delved into a wealth of evidence and stories, from potential Roman and Phoenician shipwrecks off the coast of South America to Celtic and Norse exploration of North America.

During our interview, we will discuss how the Knights Templar influenced the discovery of the New World, how the Vikings navigated their way to the Americas, and what the Sinclair family, the Rosslyn Chapel, and two Venetian brothers have to do with the discovery of a new continent. With source materials dating back through millennia, including very recent finds, Martin's work presents a side of history still so readily dismissed by some.

Columbus should be remembered, but remembered for the conquering tyrant he was. These other groups did not come to conquer, but to trade, explore, and escape.

B i o

James Martin is a British historian, economist, and lecturer with experience in the field of paranormal investigation. James has been a member and investigator of the Worsley Paranormal Group since its founding in 2003. As a historian, James believes that "understanding the past is crucial to understanding our future," noting that evidence should guide us but our minds should be open to ideas. James has previously worked in banking, employment law, and is presently a lecturer in further and higher education. He has described himself as a "history geek" and a "space nerd" and has dedicated a large portion of his more recent life to research into the Knights Templar, the Roman Empire, and the Western traditions of spirituality. James has written a large number of academic texts and curricula in his field of industrial relations, politics, and history. James co-authored the book Uncharted: A Rediscovered History of Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus with Dr. Tim Wallace-Murphy who passed away in 2019.

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Uncharted: A Rediscovered History of Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus

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