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February 22, 2024

Maya Lena Flamm

What is the Purpose of Sickness and Suffering?

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

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S y n o p s i s

Tonight, prepare to embark on an enthralling exploration that transcends the ordinary. In a world brimming with uncertainty and existential questions, one profound inquiry stands out: What is the purpose of sickness and suffering? This age-old riddle, rich with complexity, has long captivated the minds of philosophers, spiritual guides, and seekers of truth.

We welcome Maya Lena Flamm, a distinguished figure in the intertwining worlds of spiritual wisdom and holistic health. With over three decades dedicated to exploring the depths of human experience, Maya brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and profound insights. Her journey, encompassing diverse realms of holistic practices and spiritual exploration, offers a fresh perspective on the quintessential questions of existence.

Tonight is not just an interview; it's an odyssey into the human soul. With Maya's guidance, we will navigate the intricate landscapes of emotional and physical health. Her unique approach, blending the teachings of Eastern and Western mysticism, shines a light on the shadows and highlights of our lives, inviting us to embrace the full spectrum of our experiences.

We'll delve into conversations that promise to unearth new understandings of healing, unearthing practical strategies for nurturing our complete selves - body, mind, and spirit. Prepare to be part of a dialogue that seeks to unravel the profound wisdom hidden in life's challenges and to discover the transformative power that lies within our struggles.

So, join us for an evening of enlightening discussion and eye-opening revelations. A journey of discovery awaits.

B i o

Maya Lena Flamm is a renowned expert in the fields of spiritual guidance and holistic health. With over 30 years dedicated to personal transformation and service, she has deeply immersed herself in a variety of holistic health and spiritual disciplines. As a seasoned yoga and meditation instructor, Maya specialized in therapeutic approaches, harmonizing physical structure with spiritual essence.

Her teachings are deeply rooted in both Western and Eastern mystical traditions, empowering her to guide clients through transformative journeys. These journeys are not just about self-discovery but also about fostering a profound connection with the Divine. Maya's repertoire includes an extensive background in shamanic practices, various consciousness-expanding methodologies, energy work, and rigorous spiritual exploration.

This eclectic blend of experiences and skills allows her to offer multifaceted growth opportunities, enhancing every aspect of one's being. Her approach is characterized by a strong mind-body connection and utilizes a diverse array of tools and techniques. Through her multidisciplinary and multileveled work, Maya Lena Flamm provides her clients with a unique pathway to achieve authenticity, spiritual alignment, and overall well-being.

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